Were Here!

Hello everyone! Im excited to announce that Fringe fly fishing is officially up and running, and welcome everyone to the site. I am going to try and get the ball rolling by putting up a post every couple weeks or so. I already have some good stuff written, but its taken me a while to get the blog working they way I wanted so I can start adding content. Ill still be working out the bugs for the next few weeks as I start posting, so bear with me.

I also have begun posting on the social media accounts, so make sure to give them a follow for the latest updates, as well as if you want to message me questions or suggestions. Our instagram is @Fringeflyfishing, and be sure to like the Fringe fly fishing page on facebook. Ill try and get links to both working on the page.

Last but not least, I finally have all my paperwork in order to begin booking guide trips for 2020. Dates will be available from February 1st through the end of the year. Prices and booking info is available under the “guiding” tab, and my contact info and a contact form is provided. Im also looking to organize a beginner and a master class for the spring. On top of this I will be open to do presentations and speaking engagements on my time with Team USA, my travels, and tactics to catch more fish. Feel free to contact me with questions any time. Ill keep giving updates on everything as the year unfolds, but I’m excited to get going!

By the time this is posted, I’ll have landed in Exuma Cays of the Bahamas for a week of chasing bonefish and barracuda, so expect a cool post on that when I get back. I will still be answering emails while I’m here, so if you have questions or want to book, submit them through the contact form. Hope everyone gets out for one last fish in 2019. Happy new year!